Note: This feature is in the Feb. TT&C 2019 issue.
It was back in 2001 that we started our annual Best Replicas of the Year feature. It is nice to take a look back at the replicas that were produced over the previous year. It gives us a picture of how our hobby is progressing and a look at how advancements in technology are helping the industry. The industry has vastly changed over the last 17 years of our “Best of” feature. Companies whose models made the list back in 2001 are not even in business anymore. It also helps us to see what our readers are interested in collecting. In truck replicas, 1/64 scale replicas are still at the top of the list in popularity. We may be seeing some interesting, positive changes in that market since First Gear bought Die-Cast Promotions last fall. I predict we will see some better OEM truck and trailer combinations from the company in the near future. The 1/50 scale market is still strong in the construction field, with more detailed replicas hitting the market every year. Fire Replicas still tops the 1/50 scale truck field with its innovative museum-quality fire truck models. Diecast Masters has now added some heavy-duty International trucks to its line-up, which will complement its popular Caterpillar line. First Gear is also expanding its 1/50 scale line with some well-detailed replicas. From what I have been hearing, I believe we will see some interesting replicas produced this year in all the popular scales. Although there were many nice replicas produced last year, these are the ones that stood out to our readers who responded to us. |